New Arrivals

English Books
Title Author Publisher Year Call♯ Material♯
Strangersby Rebecca TamásMakina Books2020128/T21/0015875800
The act of livingby Frank TallisLittle, Brown2021158.1/T21/0015875792
Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific by United NationsUnited Nationsc2021330.9/U/20210015840275
Work won't love you backby Sarah JaffeHurst2021331.2/J21/0015876022
Hiredby James BloodworthAtlantic Books2019331.21/B21/0015915119
English pastoralby James RebanksPenguin Books2021338.1/R21/0015915184
Burning the booksby Richard OvendenJ. Murray2021363.31/O21/0015908999
What makes a terroristby Alan B. KruegerPrinceton University Press2018363.325/K21/0015909021
There are places in the world where rules are less important than kindnessby Carlo RovelliAllen Lane2020500/R21/0015875602
The Pythagorean theoremby Eli MaorPrinceton University Press2019516.2/M21/0015908973
Probable impossibilitiesby Alan LightmanPantheon Books2021523.1/L21/0015876014
The end of everythingby Katie MackPenguin Books2021523.1/M21/0015876006
The demon in the machineby Paul DaviesThe University of Chicago Press2019576.8/D21/0015908965
Fathomsby Rebecca GiggsScribe2021599.5/G21/0015915069
Eating wild Japanby Winifred BirdStone Bridge Pressc2021641.303/B21/0015894918
Breaking bread with the deadby Alan JacobsProfile books2020809/JAC21/0015875727
The lamplighterby Jackie KayPicador2020822/KAY21/0015875941
Handiworkby Sara BaumeTramp Press2020828/BAU21/0015875677
A ghost in the throatby Doireann Ní GhríofaBiblioasisc2020828/NI21/0015875701
Thirstby Amélie Nothomb Europa Editions2021843/NOT21/0015915127
If you kept a record of sinsby Andrea BajaniArchipelago Books 2021853/BAJ21/0015915135
The dangers of smoking in bedby Mariana EnriquezGranta2021863/ENR21/0015915077
When we cease to understand the worldby Benjamín Labatut Pushkin Press2021863/LAB21/0015915044
In memory of memoryby Maria StepanovaNew Directions Publishing2021891.73/STE21/0015894819
Asymmetryby Adam ZagajewskiFarrar, Straus and Giroux2019891.85/ZAG21/0015915192
The slaughterman's daughterby Yaniv IczkovitsMacLehose Press2021892.4/ICZ21/0015915085
The woman in the purple skirtby Natsuko ImamuraPenguin Books2021895.6/IMA21/0015915101
Heavenby Mieko KawakamiEuropa Editions2021895.6/KAW21/0015875925
The wanderingby Intan ParamadithaVintage2021899.221/PAR21/0015875685
Indelicacyby Amina CainDaunt Books Originals2020F/CAI21/0015875776
The golden ruleby Amanda CraigLittle, Brown2020F/CRA21/0015875909
Second placeby Rachel CuskFaber & Faber2021F/CUS21/0015875958
Bansheeby Rachel DeWoskinDottir2019F/DEW21/0015908882
Unsettled groundby Claire FullerTin House2021F/FUL21/0015894900
Troubled bloodby Robert GalbraithSphere2020F/GAL21/0015875818
The Butchersby Ruth GilliganAtlantic Books2021F/GIL21/0015908940
Claire DeWitt and the bohemian highwayby Sara GranFaber & Faber2014F/GRA21/0015840192
This lovely cityby Louise HareHQ2021F/HAR21/0015908890
Klara and the sunby Kazuo IshiguroKnopf2021F/ISH21/0015875917
How we are translatedby Jessica Gaitán JohannessonScribe2021F/JOH21/0015908932
Lusterby Raven LeilaniPicador2021F/LEI21/0015875891
No one is talking about thisby Patricia LockwoodBloomsbury Circus2021F/LOC21/0015875990
The animals in that countryby Laura Jean McKayScribe2021F/MCK21/0015908858
Castles from cobwebsby J.A. MensahSarabandc2021F/MEN21/0015909013
The silent patientby Alex MichaelidesCeladon Books2019F/MIC21/0015908916
Antiquitiesby Cynthia OzickWeidenfeld & Nicolson2021F/OZI21/0015908924
Sharks in the time of savioursby Kawai Strong WashburnCanongate2020F/WAS21/0015875644
The inland seaby Madeleine WattsOne2021F/WAT21/0015908908
The liar's dictionaryby Eley WilliamsWindmill2021F/WIL21/0015915176
Carpentariaby Alexis WrightConstable2009F/WRI21/0015908874
The Bass Rockby Evie WyldJonathan Cape2020F/WYL21/0015875974
Chinese Books
Title Author Publisher Year Call♯ Material♯
Korean Books
Title Author Publisher Year Call♯ Material♯
지금 이대로 좋다 법륜/지음 정토출판c2019294.3/B21/0015908593
팬데믹 제2국면 우 석훈/지음문예출판사2021303.485/U21/0015908635
경제용어도감하나오카 사치코/지음 서해문집2019330.03/H21/0015908569
완벽한 공부법 고 영성, 신 영준/지음로크미디어2017371.3/K21/0015908619
일본어 경어 & 매너 슈후노 토모샤 /편저 동양북스2019395/S21/0015908700
일본인만 아는 찐 일본어 회화 표현 핫크리스탈/지음바이링구얼2021495.6/H21/0015908684
일본어 잘하고 싶을 땐 다락원 독학 첫걸음 정 의상/지음다락원2019495.6/J20/0015598881
비즈니스 일본어 문서작성 가이드 조 래철, 나가시마 료이치/지음다락원2020495.6/J21/0015908718
코로나에 걸려버렸다 김 지호/지음더난 콘텐츠 2020616.2/K21/0015908643
영양소 100% 살리는 집밥 요리 오다 마키코/지음 서울문화사2019641.5/O21/0015908551
2021 코리아 베스트 레시피 이밥차 요리 연구소/지음이밥차2021641.595/I21/0015908734
대한 민국 대표 집밥 레시피 372 손 성희/지음리스컴2020641.595/S21/0015908668
가정훈육 백과사전 다카하시 야요이 외 110여 명/지음 황 소연/옮김길벗2017649.6/T21/0015908726
신뢰 연습 수전 최/지음 왼쪽주머니2020813/CHO21/0015908544
유랑의 달나기라 유/지음 은행나무2020895.6/NAG21/0015908486
달까지 가자 장 류진/지음창비2021895.7/CHA21/0015908528
지쳤거나 좋아하는 게 없거나 글배우/지음강한별2019895.7/GAU21/0015908494
現代文學賞 수상소설집 66 (2021)현대문학2020895.7/HYE96/20210015908783
우아한 우주인 전 민석/[외]지음월간토마토2020895.7/JEO21/0015908759
코리안 티처 서 수진/지음한겨레출판2020895.7/SO21/0015908585
일본배 형은/편집안그라픽스2019952/J20/0015664733